
"Be Somebody Nobody Thought You could Be"

Thursday, March 9

Clone a record in MS CRM 2011

Sometime in CRM there is a need to copy the existing record.For example there may be 
a need to clone the existing case so that service representative can update some fields on the
cloned case.

Q.How can we achieve it in MS CRM 2011
A. It can be achieved either by JavaScript or Plugin.

We will try to achieve with JavaScript using "Relationships" mappings feature in MS CRM 2011.

Q:What we need to do?
1)Add a ribbon button called "Clone Case"
2)Creating a 1:N relationship with Case to Case then generating mappings.
3)On button click Open the URL of the cloned Case.


1)Add a ribbon button called "Clone Case"

 Add a ribbon button called "Clone Case".You can use ribbon workbech for this on click of this 
button it will call a Javascript function called "cloneCase" 
in "My_CustomRibbonJavascript" webresource.

Or you can do manually like.

1)Create a solution add "Case" entity to it.
2)Export the Solution.
3)Extract the Solution.
4)Open Customizations.xml in Visual studio.
5)Replace <RibbonDiffXmlwith the below given XML
6)Take care of adding the icons as given in below XML in CRM as webresources before import.


    <CustomAction Id="My.MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.CustomAction" Location="Mscrm.Form.incident.MainTab.Collaborate.Controls._children" Sequence="0">
        <Button Command="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Command" Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button" Image32by32="$webresource:My_Clone32" Image16by16="$webresource:My_Clone16" LabelText="$LocLabels:MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.LabelText" Sequence="0" TemplateAlias="o1" ToolTipTitle="$LocLabels:MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.ToolTipTitle" ToolTipDescription="$LocLabels:MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.ToolTipDescription" />

    <RibbonTemplates Id="Mscrm.Templates"></RibbonTemplates>

    <CommandDefinition Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Command">
        <DisplayRule Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.DisplayRule" />
        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="cloneCase" Library="$webresource:My_CustomRibbonJavascript" />

    <TabDisplayRules />

      <DisplayRule Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.DisplayRule">
        <FormStateRule State="Create" InvertResult="true" />



    <LocLabel Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.LabelText">
        <Title description="Clone Case" languagecode="1033" />
    <LocLabel Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.ToolTipDescription">
        <Title description="Clone Case" languagecode="1033" />
    <LocLabel Id="MSCRM.incident.form.Clone.Button.ToolTipTitle">
        <Title description="Clone Case" languagecode="1033" />


2)Creating a 1:N relationship with Case to Case then generating mappings.

Open the Case enity relationship(1:N) and Create a relationship with Case.Open the created relationship and generate mappings.

Refer below screenshots

3)On button click Open the URL of the cloned Case.

Add a new webresource called "
My_CustomRibbonJavascript" add the  "cloneCase" function to it

function GetContext() {
    var _context = null;
    if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined")
        _context = GetGlobalContext();
    else if (typeof Xrm != "undefined")
        _context = Xrm.Page.context;
    return _context
function cloneCase() {

    if ( == null) {
        alert('First save the record before Clone Case')

    else {
        var CRMContext = GetContext();
        var serverUrl = CRMContext.getServerUrl();
        var caseid =;
        caseid = caseid.replace('{''').replace('}''');

        //Below URL is for CRM online 
        var url = serverUrl + 'main.aspx?etc=112&extraqs=%3f_CreateFromId%3d%257b' + caseid + '%257d%26_CreateFromType%3d112%26etc%3d112%26pagemode%3diframe&pagetype=entityrecord';

        openNewWindow(url, 900, 600, 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes');


How to create the URL Since Case is in 1:N relationship It will appear in case left navigation pane.Click on Case button and add the new Case.Copy the created URL and make it dynamic.

For Onpresmise MS CRM 2011 URL will be like this

var url = serverUrl + '/cs/cases/edit.aspx?_CreateFromType=112&_CreateFromId=' +;